Source code for compmod.models

# A repository for compartmentalized models compatible simulation models.
from abapy.mesh import RegularQuadMesh
from abapy.materials import VonMises, Hollomon
from abapy.misc import load
import numpy as np
import os, time, subprocess, pickle, copy


class Simulation(object):
  :param abqlauncher: path to the abaqus executable.
  :type abqlauncher: string
  :param material: material instance from `abapy.materials`
  :param label: label of the simulation (default: 'simulation')
  :type label: string
  :param workdir: path to the simulation work directory (default: '')
  :type workdir: string
  :param compart: indicated if the simulation homogeneous or compartimented (default: False)
  :type compart: boolean 
  :param nFrames: number or frames per step (default: 100)
  :type nFrames: integer
  :param elType: element type (default: 'CPS4')
  :type elType: string
  :param is_3D: indicates if the model is 2D or 3D (default: False)
  :type is_3D: boolean 
  :param cpus: number of CPUs to use (default: 1)
  :type compart: integer
  :param force: test in force
  :type force: boolean
  :param displacement: test in dispalcement
  :type displacement: boolean
  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    defaultArgs = {"abqlauncher":None, "material": VonMises(), "label": "simulation",  "workdir": "", "compart":False, "nFrames": 100, "elType": "CPS4", "is_3D": False, "cpus" : 1}
    for key, value in defaultArgs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value)
    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value)
    if self.is_3D: 
      self.elType = 'C3D8'
  def Run(self, deleteOldFiles = True):
    Runs the simulation.
    :param deleteOldFiles: indicates if existing simulation files are deleted before the simulation starts.
    :type deleteOlfFiles: boolean
    if deleteOldFiles: self.DeleteOldFiles()
    t0 = time.time()
    print '< Running simulation {0} in Abaqus>'.format(self.label) 
    p = subprocess.Popen( '{0} job={1} input={1}.inp cpus={2} interactive'.format(self.abqlauncher, self.label, self.cpus), cwd = self.workdir, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
    trash = p.communicate()
    print trash[0]
    t1 = time.time()
    self.duration = t1 - t0
    print '< Ran {0} in Abaqus: duration {1:.2f}s>'.format(self.label, t1 - t0)   
  def DeleteOldFiles(self):
    Deletes old job files.
    suffixes = ['.odb', '.lck', '.log', '.dat', '.com', '.sim', '.sta', '.prt', '.msg']
    for s in suffixes:
      path = self.workdir + self.label + s
      except OSError:
  def RunPostProc(self):
    Runs the post processing script.
    t0 = time.time()
    p = subprocess.Popen( "{0} viewer -noGUI {1}".format(self.abqlauncher, self.label + ''), cwd = self.workdir,stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    trash = p.communicate()
    print trash[0]
    t1 = time.time()
    print '< Post Processed {0} in Abaqus: duration {1:.2f}s>'.format(self.label, t1 - t0) 
    self.outputs = load(self.workdir + self.label + ".pckl")
  def PostProc(self):
    Makes the post proc script and runs it.
  def LoadResults(self):
    Loads the results from a pickle file.
    self.outputs = load(self.workdir + self.label + ".pckl")

[docs]class CuboidTest(Simulation): """ Performs a uniaxial tensile or compressive test on an cuboid rectangular cuboid along the y axis. The cuboid can be 2D or 3D. Lateral conditions can be specified as free or pseudo homogeneous. :param lx: length of the box along the x axis (default = 1.) :type lx: float :param ly: length of the box along the y axis (default = 1.) :type ly: float :param lz: length of the box along the z axis (default = 1.). Only used in 3D simulations. :type lz: float :param Nx: number of elements along the x direction. :type Nx: int :param Ny: number of elements along the y direction. :type Ny: int :param Nz: number of elements along the z direction. :type Nz: int :param disp: imposed displacement along the y direction (default = .25) :type disp: float :param export_fields: indicates if the field outputs are exported (default = True). Can be set to False to speed up post processing. :type export: boolean :param lateral_bc: indicates the type of lateral boundary conditions to be used. :type lateral_bc: dict {0} This model can be used for a wide range of problems. A few examples are given here: 1. Simple 2D compartmentalized model: .. plot:: example_code/models/ :include-source: * VTK output: :download:`cuboidTest.vtk <example_code/models/workdir/cuboidTest.vtk>`. * VTK file displayed with Paraview: .. image:: example_code/models/cuboidTest.png :width: 30% 2. Simple 3D compartmentalized model: .. plot:: example_code/models/ :include-source: * VTK output: :download:`cuboidTest.vtk <example_code/models/workdir/cuboidTest_3D.vtk>`. * VTK file displayed with Paraview: .. image:: example_code/models/cuboidTest_3D.png :width: 30% 3. CuboidTest with microstructure generated using Voronoi cells : * Source: :download:`cuboidTest_voronoi <example_code/models/>`. * VTK output: :download:`cuboidTest_voronoi <example_code/models/workdir/cuboidTest_voronoi.vtk>`. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(Simulation.__doc__) def __init__(self, **kwargs): defaultArgs = {"Nx":10, "Ny":10, "Nz":10, "lx":1., "ly":1., "lz":1., "disp":.25, "export_fields": True, "lateralbc":{}, "steps": 1} for key, value in defaultArgs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) super(CuboidTest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def MakeMesh(self): """ Builds the mesh. """ Nx , Ny, Nz = self.Nx, self.Ny, self.Nz lx, ly, lz = self.lx,, self.lz elType = self.elType if self.is_3D: Ne = Nx * Ny * Nz else: Ne = Nx * Ny m = RegularQuadMesh(Nx, Ny, l1= lx, l2 = ly, name = elType) m.add_set(label = "AllElements", elements = m.labels) nsets = copy.copy(m.nodes.sets) if self.is_3D: m = m.extrude(N = Nz, l = lz) m.nodes.sets['bottomleft'] = nsets['bottomleft'] m.nodes.sets['bottomright'] = nsets['bottomright'] self.mesh = m
[docs] def MakeInp(self): """ Writes the Abaqus INP file in the workdir. """ pattern = """**---------------------------------- **DISTRIBUTED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES **---------------------------------- **HEADER *Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO **---------------------------------- ** PART "pSAMPLE" DEFINITION *Part, name = pSample #MESH #SECTIONS #LATERALBC *End part **---------------------------------- ** ASSEMBLY *Assembly, name = Assembly *Instance, name=iSample, part=pSample *End Instance *End Assembly **---------------------------------- ** MATERIALS #MATERIALS **---------------------------------- ** STEPS *Step, Name=Loading0, Nlgeom=YES, Inc=1000000 *Static #FRAME_DURATION, 1, 1e-08, #FRAME_DURATION ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS *Boundary iSample.Bottom, 2, 2 iSample.BottomLeft, 1, 1#3DBOUNDARY iSample.Top, 2, 2, #DISP ** RESTART OPTIONS *Restart, write, frequency=0 ** FIELD OUTPUTS *Output, field, frequency=999999 *Node Output U *Element Output, directions=YES E, PE, EE, PEEQ, S ** HYSTORY OUTPUTS *Output, history *Energy Output ALLPD, ALLSE, ALLWK *Node Output, nset=iSample.Top RF2 *Node Output, nset=iSample.TopLeft U2 *Node Output, nset=iSample.Left COOR1 *Node Output, nset=iSample.Right COOR1 *Element Output, elset=iSample.allElements, directions=NO EVOL *End Step """ Nx , Ny, Nz = self.Nx, self.Ny, self.Nz lx, ly, lz = self.lx,, self.lz elType = self.elType material = self.material disp = self.disp nFrames = self.nFrames if self.is_3D: Ne = Nx * Ny * Nz else: Ne = Nx * Ny sections = "" matinp = "" if self.compart: section_pattern = "*Solid Section, elset=Elset{0}, material={1}\n*Elset, Elset=Elset{0}\n{0},\n" labels = [mat.labels[0] for mat in material] for i in xrange(Ne): sections += section_pattern.format(i+1, labels[i]) matinp += material[i].dump2inp() + '\n' else: section_pattern = "*SOLID SECTION, ELSET = ALLELEMENTS, MATERIAL = {0}\n{1}" label = material.labels[0] sections = section_pattern.format(label, self.lz) matinp = material.dump2inp() if hasattr(self, "mesh") == False: self.MakeMesh() m = self.mesh lateralbc = "" if len(self.lateralbc.keys()) != 0: lateralbc += "*EQUATION\n" lateralbc_keys = self.lateralbc.keys() for lbck in lateralbc_keys: if lbck == "right": direction = 1 nset = m.nodes.sets['right'] if lbck == "left": direction = 1 nset = m.nodes.sets['left'] if self.lateralbc[lbck] == "pseudohomo": for nodelabel in nset[1:]: lateralbc += "2\n{0}, 1, 1, {1}, 1, -1\n".format(nodelabel, nset[0]) """ if self.lateralbc[lbck] == "periodic": left_nodes = m.nodes.sets['left'] right_nodes = m.nodes.sets['right'] xl = np.array([]) side_pairs = [] top_pair = [] bottom_pair = [] for nl in left_nodes: nlx = """ pattern = pattern.replace("#LATERALBC", lateralbc[:-1]) pattern = pattern.replace("#MESH", m.dump2inp()) pattern = pattern.replace("#SECTIONS", sections[:-1]) pattern = pattern.replace("#MATERIALS", matinp[:-1]) pattern = pattern.replace("#DISP", str(disp)) pattern = pattern.replace("#FRAME_DURATION", str(1./nFrames)) if self.is_3D: pattern = pattern.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "\niSample.BottomLeft, 3, 3\niSample.BottomRight, 3, 3") else: pattern = pattern.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "") f = open(self.workdir + self.label + '.inp', 'wb') f.write(pattern) f.close()
[docs] def MakePostProc(self): """ Makes the post-proc script """ pattern = """# ABQPOSTPROC.PY # Warning: executable only in abaqus abaqus viewer -noGUI,... not regular python. import sys from abapy.postproc import GetFieldOutput_byRpt as gfo from abapy.postproc import GetVectorFieldOutput_byRpt as gvfo from abapy.postproc import GetTensorFieldOutput_byRpt as gtfo from abapy.postproc import GetHistoryOutputByKey as gho from abapy.postproc import GetMesh from abapy.indentation import Get_ContactData from abapy.misc import dump from odbAccess import openOdb from abaqusConstants import JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY # Odb opening file_name = '#FILE_NAME' odb = openOdb(file_name + '.odb') data = {} # Check job status: job_status = odb.diagnosticData.jobStatus if job_status == JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY: data['completed'] = True""" if self.export_fields : pattern += """ # Field Outputs data['field'] = {} fo = data['field'] fo['U'] = [ gvfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'NODAL', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'U', delete_report = True) ] fo['S'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'S', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['LE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'LE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['EE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'EE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['PE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['PEEQ'] = [ gfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PEEQ', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] """ pattern += """# History Outputs data['history'] = {} ho = data['history'] ho['disp'] = gho(odb,'U2') ho['force'] = gho(odb,'RF2') ho['allse'] = gho(odb,'ALLSE').values()[0] ho['allpd'] = gho(odb,'ALLPD').values()[0] ho['allwk'] = gho(odb,'ALLWK').values()[0] ho['volume'] = gho(odb,'EVOL') # Mesh data['mesh'] = GetMesh(odb, "ISAMPLE") else: data['completed'] = False # Closing and dumping odb.close() dump(data, file_name+'.pckl')""" pattern = pattern.replace("#FILE_NAME", self.label) f = open(self.workdir + self.label + '', 'w') f.write(pattern) f.close()
def LoadResults(self): super(CuboidTest, self).LoadResults() if self.outputs['completed']: fields = self.outputs['field'] if hasattr(self, "mesh") == False: self.MakeMesh() for key in fields.keys(): for i in xrange(len(fields[key])): self.mesh.add_field(fields[key][i], key+"_{0}".format(i))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RING COMPRESSION #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class RingCompression(Simulation): """ let see 2 kind of RingCompression , one homogenous and the second compartmentalized RingCompression_3D .. plot:: example_code/models/ :include-source: RingCompression_3D compartimentalized .. plot:: example_code/models/ :include-source: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param inner_radius: inner radius of the ring :type inner_radius: float :param outer_radius: outer radius of the ring :type outer_radius: float :param Nr: Number of elements in the radial direction :type Nr: int :param Nt: Number of elements in the orthoradial direction :type Nt: int :param Na: Number of elements in the axial direction. Used only if the is_3D option is active. :type Na: int """ defaultArgs = { "inner_radius": 1., "inner_radius": 2., "thickness": 1., "Nr":10, "Nt":10, "Na":10, "disp": .5, "unloading": True, "export_fields": True } for key, value in defaultArgs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) super(RingCompression, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def MakeMesh(self): """ Builds the mesh """ Ri = self.inner_radius Ro = self.outer_radius thickness = self.thickness Nr, Nt, Na = self.Nr, self.Nt, self.Na mesh = RegularQuadMesh(Nt, Nr, .25, Ro - Ri, name = self.elType) mesh.nodes.add_set_by_func('left_nodes', lambda x, y, z, labels: x == 0.) mesh.nodes.add_set_by_func('right_nodes', lambda x, y, z, labels: x == .25) def function(x, y, z, labels): theta = 2 * np.pi * (.25 - x) r = y + Ri ux = -x + r * np.cos(theta) uy = -y + r * np.sin(theta) uz = 0. * z return ux, uy, uz vectorField = mesh.nodes.eval_vectorFunction(function) mesh.nodes.apply_displacement(vectorField) nodes = mesh.nodes for i in xrange(len(nodes.labels)): if nodes.x[i] < 0.: nodes.x[i] = 0. mesh.add_set('all_elements', mesh.labels) mesh.add_set('surface_elements',range( Nt * (Nr-1)+1, Nt*Nr+1 )) mesh.add_surface('surface_faces',[ ('surface_elements',3) ]) if self.is_3D: mesh = mesh.extrude(N = Na, l = thickness, mapping = {self.elType: self.elType}) mesh.nodes.add_set_by_func('lateral_nodes', lambda x, y, z, labels: z == 0) mesh.nodes.add_set_by_func('external_nodes', lambda x, y, z, labels: z == z.max()) self.mesh = mesh
def MakeInp(self): pattern = """**---------------------------------- **RING COMPRESSION SIMULATION **---------------------------------- **HEADER *PREPRINT, ECHO=NO, MODEL=NO, HISTORY=NO, CONTACT=NO **---------------------------------- ** SAMPLE DEFINITION *PART, NAME = P_SAMPLE #RING_MESH #SECTIONS *END PART **---------------------------------- ** INDENTER DEFINITION **---------------------------------- *PART, NAME = P_PLATE *END PART **---------------------------------- ** ASSEMBLY **---------------------------------- *ASSEMBLY, NAME = ASSEMBLY *INSTANCE, NAME = I_SAMPLE, PART = P_SAMPLE *END INSTANCE *INSTANCE, NAME = I_PLATE, PART= P_PLATE *NODE, NSET=REFNODE 1, 0., 0., 0. *SURFACE, TYPE=#SURFTYPE, NAME=SURFACE START, #OUTER_RADIUS, #OUTER_RADIUS LINE, 0., #OUTER_RADIUS *RIGID BODY, REF NODE=REFNODE, ANALYTICAL SURFACE=SURFACE *END INSTANCE *END ASSEMBLY **---------------------------------- ** SURFACE INTERACTIONS **---------------------------------- *SURFACE INTERACTION, NAME = SURF_INT *FRICTION 0.0, *SURFACE BEHAVIOR, PRESSURE-OVERCLOSURE = HARD *CONTACT PAIR, INTERACTION = SURF_INT, SUPPLEMENTARY CONSTRAINTS = NO I_SAMPLE.SURFACE_FACES, I_PLATE.SURFACE **---------------------------------- ** MATERIALS **---------------------------------- ** SAMPLE MATERIAL #MATERIALS **---------------------------------- ** STEPS **---------------------------------- *STEP, NAME = LOADING, NLGEOM = YES, INC=1000 *Static #FRAME_DURATION, 1, 1e-08, #FRAME_DURATION *BOUNDARY I_SAMPLE.LEFT_NODES, 1, 1 I_SAMPLE.RIGHT_NODES, 2, 2#3DBOUNDARY I_PLATE.REFNODE, 2, 2, #DISP I_PLATE.REFNODE, 1, 1 I_PLATE.REFNODE, 3, 6 *RESTART, WRITE, FREQUENCY = 0 *OUTPUT, FIELD, FREQUENCY = 1 *NODE OUTPUT COORD, U, *ELEMENT OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS, DIRECTIONS = YES LE, EE, PE, PEEQ, S, *OUTPUT, HISTORY *ENERGY OUTPUT ALLFD, ALLWK *ENERGY OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS ALLPD *ENERGY OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS ALLSE *NODE OUTPUT, NSET=I_PLATE.REFNODE RF2, U2 *END STEP """ if self.unloading: pattern += """*STEP, NAME = UNLOADING, NLGEOM = YES, INC=1000 *Static #FRAME_DURATION, 1, 1e-08, #FRAME_DURATION *BOUNDARY I_SAMPLE.LEFT_NODES, 1, 1 I_SAMPLE.RIGHT_NODES, 2, 2 I_PLATE.REFNODE, 2, 2, 0. I_PLATE.REFNODE, 1, 1 I_PLATE.REFNODE, 3, 6 *RESTART, WRITE, FREQUENCY = 0 *OUTPUT, FIELD, FREQUENCY = 1 *NODE OUTPUT COORD, U, *ELEMENT OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS, DIRECTIONS = YES LE, EE, PE, PEEQ, S, *OUTPUT, HISTORY *ENERGY OUTPUT ALLFD, ALLWK *ENERGY OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS ALLPD *ENERGY OUTPUT, ELSET=I_SAMPLE.ALL_ELEMENTS ALLSE *NODE OUTPUT, NSET=I_PLATE.REFNODE RF2, U2 *END STEP""" Nr , Nt, Na = self.Nr, self.Nt, self.Na if self.is_3D: Ne = Nr * Nt * Na else: Ne = Nr * Nt material = self.material sections = "" matinp = "" if self.compart: section_pattern = "*Solid Section, elset=Elset{0}, material={1}\n{2}\n*Elset, Elset=Elset{0}\n{0},\n" labels = [mat.labels[0] for mat in material] for i in xrange(Ne): sections += section_pattern.format(i+1, labels[i], self.thickness) matinp += material[i].dump2inp() + '\n' matinp = matinp[:-1] else: section_pattern = "*SOLID SECTION, ELSET = ALL_ELEMENTS, MATERIAL = {0}\n{1}" label = material.labels[0] sections = section_pattern.format(label, self.thickness) matinp = material.dump2inp() if hasattr(self, "mesh") == False: self.MakeMesh() pattern = pattern.replace('#RING_MESH', self.mesh.dump2inp()) pattern = pattern.replace('#OUTER_RADIUS', str(self.outer_radius)) pattern = pattern.replace('#DISP', str(-self.disp)) pattern = pattern.replace('#FRAME_DURATION', str(1. / self.nFrames)) pattern = pattern.replace('#SECTIONS', sections) pattern = pattern.replace('#MATERIALS', matinp) if self.is_3D: # labels = self.mesh.nodes.sets['topleft'] # nl = len(labels) # label = labels[(nl-1)/2] pattern = pattern.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "\nI_SAMPLE.lateral_nodes, 3, 3\n") pattern = pattern.replace('#SURFTYPE', "CYLINDER") else: pattern = pattern.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "") pattern = pattern.replace('#SURFTYPE', "SEGMENTS") f =open(self.workdir + self.label + ".inp", 'w') f.write(pattern) f.close() def MakePostProc(self): import os, subprocess, time, pickle if self.unloading : step_number = 2 else: step_number = 1 pattern = """# ABQPOSTPROC.PY # Warning: executable only in abaqus abaqus viewer -noGUI,... not regular python. import sys from abapy.postproc import GetFieldOutput_byRpt as gfo from abapy.postproc import GetVectorFieldOutput_byRpt as gvfo from abapy.postproc import GetTensorFieldOutput_byRpt as gtfo from abapy.postproc import GetHistoryOutputByKey as gho from abapy.indentation import Get_ContactData from abapy.misc import dump from odbAccess import openOdb from abaqusConstants import JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY # Odb opening file_name = '#FILE_NAME' odb = openOdb(file_name + '.odb') data = {} step_number= #STEP_NUMBER # Check job status: job_status = odb.diagnosticData.jobStatus if job_status == JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY: data['completed'] = True """ if self.export_fields : pattern += """ # Field Outputs data['field'] = {"U":[], "S":[], "LE":[], "EE":[], "PE":[], "PEEQ":[]} fo = data['field'] for i in xrange(step_number): fo['U'].append( gvfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'NODAL', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'U', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) fo['S'].append( gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'S', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) fo['LE'].append( gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'LE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) fo['EE'].append( gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'EE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) fo['PE'].append( gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) fo['PEEQ'].append( gfo(odb = odb, instance = 'I_SAMPLE', step = i, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PEEQ', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True)) """ pattern += """# History Outputs data['history'] = {} ho = data['history'] ref_node = odb.rootAssembly.instances['I_PLATE'].nodeSets['REFNODE'].nodes[0].label ho['force'] = gho(odb,'RF2')['Node I_PLATE.'+str(ref_node)] # GetFieldOutputByKey returns all the occurences of the required output (here 'RF2') and stores it in a dict. Each dict key refers to a location. Here we have to specify the location ('Node I_INDENTER.1') mainly for displacement which has been requested at several locations. ho['disp'] = gho(odb,'U2')['Node I_PLATE.'+str(ref_node)] ho['allse'] = gho(odb,'ALLSE').values()[0] ho['allpd'] = gho(odb,'ALLPD').values()[0] ho['allfd'] = gho(odb,'ALLFD').values()[0] ho['allwk'] = gho(odb,'ALLWK').values()[0] else: data['completed'] = False # Closing and dumping odb.close() dump(data, file_name+'.pckl')""" pattern = pattern.replace('#FILE_NAME', self.label) pattern = pattern.replace('#STEP_NUMBER', str(step_number)) f = open(self.workdir + self.label + '', 'w') f.write(pattern) f.close()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CUBOID TEST VER (WORK IN PROGRESS) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CuboidTest_VER(Simulation): """ Performs a uniaxial tensile or compressive test on an cuboid rectangular cuboid along the y axis. The cuboid can be 2D or 3D. Lateral conditions can be specified as pseudo homogeneous or periodic. :param lx: length of the box along the x axis (default = 1.) :type lx: float :param ly: length of the box along the y axis (default = 1.) :type ly: float :param lz: length of the box along the z axis (default = 1.). Only used in 3D simulations. :type lz: float :param Nx: number of elements along the x direction. :type Nx: int :param Ny: number of elements along the y direction. :type Ny: int :param Nz: number of elements along the z direction. :type Nz: int :param steps: steps ! :type steps: dict :param export_fields: indicates if the field outputs are exported (default = True). Can be set to False to speed up post processing. :type export: boolean :param lateral_bc: indicates the type of lateral boundary conditions to be used. :type lateral_bc: dict {0} This model can be used for a wide range of problems. A few examples are given here: 1. Simple 2D homogenous model: CuboidTest with microstructure generated using Voronoi cells : * Source: :download:`cuboidTest_voronoi <example_code/models/>`. * VTK output: :download:`cuboidTest_voronoi <example_code/models/cuboidTest_voronoi.vtk>`. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(Simulation.__doc__) def __init__(self, **kwargs): defaultArgs = {"Nx":10, "Ny":10, "Nz":10, "lx":1., "ly":1., "lz":1., "disp":.25, "force":100., "force_fin":110., "export_fields": True, "lateralbc":{"top":"pseudohomo"}, "loading":{"displacement"}, "unloading_reloading": False} for key, value in defaultArgs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) super(CuboidTest_VER, self).__init__(**kwargs) def MakeMesh(self): """ Builds the mesh. """ Nx , Ny, Nz = self.Nx, self.Ny, self.Nz lx, ly, lz = self.lx,, self.lz elType = self.elType if self.is_3D: Ne = Nx * Ny * Nz else: Ne = Nx * Ny m = RegularQuadMesh(Nx, Ny, l1= lx, l2 = ly, name = elType) m.add_set(label = "AllElements", elements = m.labels) nsets = copy.copy(m.nodes.sets) m.nodes.sets = {} if self.is_3D == False: #Sets of edges definition m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('left', lambda x,y, labels: (x == 0.)*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('right', lambda x,y, labels: (x == x.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('bottom', lambda x,y, labels: (y == 0.)*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('top', lambda x,y, labels: (y == y.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) #Sets of summits definition m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('pilot', lambda x,y, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('origin', lambda x,y, labels: (y == 0) * (x == 0)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('topleft', lambda x,y, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == 0.)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func_2D('bottomright', lambda x,y, labels: (y == 0) * (x == x.max())) if self.is_3D: m = m.extrude(N = Nz, l = lz) #Sets of sides definition m.nodes.add_set_by_func('rear', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == 0.)*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('front', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == z.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('left', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == 0.)*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('right', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == x.max())*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottom', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == 0.)*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('top', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == y.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())) #Sets of edges definition m.nodes.add_set_by_func('topright', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == x.max())*(y == y.max())*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('toprear', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == 0)*(y == y.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('topleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == 0)*(y == y.max())*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('topfront', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == z.max())*(y == y.max())*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomright', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == x.max())*(y == 0)*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomrear', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == 0)*(y == 0)*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == 0)*(y == 0)*(z!=0)*(z!=z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomfront', lambda x,y,z, labels: (z == z.max())*(y == 0)*(x!=0)*(x!=x.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('frontright', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == x.max())*(z == z.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('rearright', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == x.max())*(z == 0)*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('rearleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == 0)*(z == 0)*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('frontleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (x == 0)*(z == z.max())*(y!=0)*(y!=y.max())) #Sets of summits definition m.nodes.add_set_by_func('pilot', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == x.max()) * (z == z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('refx', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == x.max()) * (z == 0)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('toprearleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == 0.) * (z == 0)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('refz', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == y.max()) * (x == 0.) * (z == z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('refy', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == 0) * (x == x.max()) * (z == z.max())) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomrearright', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == 0) * (x == x.max()) * (z == 0)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('origin', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == 0) * (x == 0.) * (z == 0)) m.nodes.add_set_by_func('bottomfrontleft', lambda x,y,z, labels: (y == 0) * (x == 0.) * (z == z.max())) self.mesh = m def MakeInp(self): """ Writes the Abaqus INP file in the workdir. """ pattern = """**---------------------------------- **DISTRIBUTED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES **---------------------------------- **HEADER *Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO **---------------------------------- ** PART "pSAMPLE" DEFINITION *Part, name = pSample #MESH #SECTIONS #LATERALBC *End part **---------------------------------- ** ASSEMBLY *Assembly, name = Assembly *Instance, name=iSample, part=pSample *End Instance *End Assembly **---------------------------------- ** MATERIALS #MATERIALS **---------------------------------- ** STEPS """ step_pattern = """*Step, Name=#NAME, Nlgeom=YES, Inc=1000000 *Static #FRAME_DURATION, 1, 1e-08, #FRAME_DURATION ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS *Boundary, op = NEW #2D_INIT#2DBOUNDARY#3D_INIT#3DBOUNDARY #DISP** LOADS *Cload ISAMPLE.PILOT, 2, #LOAD ** RESTART OPTIONS *Restart, write, frequency=0 ** FIELD OUTPUTS *Output, field, frequency=1 *Node Output U *Element Output, directions=YES E, PE, EE, PEEQ, S ** HYSTORY OUTPUTS *Output, history *Energy Output ALLPD, ALLSE, ALLWK *Node Output, nset=iSample.pilot RF2 *Node Output, nset=iSample.pilot CF2 *Node Output, nset=iSample.pilot U2 *Element Output, elset=iSample.allElements, directions=NO EVOL *End Step """ Nx , Ny, Nz = self.Nx, self.Ny, self.Nz lx, ly, lz = self.lx,, self.lz elType = self.elType material = self.material if self.is_3D: Ne = Nx * Ny * Nz else: Ne = Nx * Ny sections = "" matinp = "" if self.compart: section_pattern = "*Solid Section, elset=Elset{0}, material={1}\n*Elset, Elset=Elset{0}\n{0},\n" labels = [mat.labels[0] for mat in material] for i in xrange(Ne): sections += section_pattern.format(i+1, labels[i]) matinp += material[i].dump2inp() + '\n' else: section_pattern = "*SOLID SECTION, ELSET = ALLELEMENTS, MATERIAL = {0}\n{1}" label = material.labels[0] sections = section_pattern.format(label, self.lz) matinp = material.dump2inp() if hasattr(self, "mesh") == False: self.MakeMesh() m = self.mesh #Adding boundary conditions on sides with abaqus equations def Equation(direction, labels, coefs):#focntion for writing equations direction = int(direction) if direction != 1 and direction!= 2 and direction != 3: print "Value of the first argument is wrong" if len(labels) != len(coefs): print "labels and coefs has not the same lenght" out = '' out += "{0}\n".format(len(labels)) for i in xrange(len(labels)-1): out += "{0}, {1}, {2},".format( labels[i], direction, coefs[i]) out += "{0}, {1}, {2}".format( labels[-1], direction, coefs[-1]) out += "\n" return out lateralbc = "" lateralbc += "*EQUATION\n" if len(self.lateralbc.keys()) != 0: lateralbc_keys = self.lateralbc.keys() for lbck in lateralbc_keys: if lbck == "right": direction = 1 nset = m.nodes.sets['right'] n = len(nset) if lbck == "left": direction = 1 nset = m.nodes.sets['left'] n = len(nset) if lbck == "top": direction = 2 nset = m.nodes.sets['top'] n = len(nset) if lbck == "bottom": direction = 2 nset = m.nodes.sets['bottom'] n = len(nset) if self.is_3D: if lbck == "front": direction = 3 nset = m.nodes.sets['front'] n = len(nset) if lbck == "rear": direction = 3 nset = m.nodes.sets['rear'] n = len(nset) if self.lateralbc[lbck] == 'pseudohomo': if lbck == "top": nset_top = m.nodes.sets['top'] if self.is_3D: for i in xrange(Nz-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topright'][i]) for i in xrange(Nz-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topleft'][i]) for i in xrange(Nx-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['toprear'][i]) for i in xrange(Nx-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topfront'][i]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['toprearleft'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]) else: nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topleft'][0]) for i in xrange(len(nset_top)): lateralbc += Equation(2, [nset_top[i],m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0]],[1.,-1.]) if lbck == "right": nset_top = m.nodes.sets['right'] if self.is_3D: for i in xrange(Ny-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['rearright'][i]) for i in xrange(Ny-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['frontright'][i]) for i in xrange(Nz-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topright'][i]) for i in xrange(Nz-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['bottomright'][i]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refy'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['bottomrearright'][0]) else: nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['bottomright'][0]) for i in xrange(len(nset_top)): lateralbc += Equation(1, [nset_top[i],m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0]],[1.,-1.]) if lbck == "front": nset_top = m.nodes.sets['front'] if self.is_3D: for i in xrange(Ny-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['frontright'][i]) for i in xrange(Ny-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i]) for i in xrange(Nx-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['topfront'][i]) for i in xrange(Nx-1) : nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['bottomfront'][i]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['refy'][0]) nset_top.append(m.nodes.sets['bottomfrontleft'][0]) for i in xrange(len(nset_top)): lateralbc += Equation(3, [nset_top[i],m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0]],[1.,-1.]) if self.lateralbc[lbck] == 'periodic': if lbck == "right": if self.is_3D:#for 3D models ########## For Sides ########## BC for the nodes of right/left sides for i in xrange(n): lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['left'][i], m.nodes.sets['right'][i], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0],m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0]],[1.,-1.,-1.,1.])# same displacement along Y for the right and left nodes lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['left'][i], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0], m.nodes.sets['right'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same displacement along Z for the right and left nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['right'][i], m.nodes.sets['left'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same displacement along X for the right and left nodes ########## For edges ########## BC for the nodes of topright/topleft edge for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['topright'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['topright'][i], m.nodes.sets['topleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along Z for the topright and topleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['topright'][i], m.nodes.sets['topleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along X for the topright and topleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes ########## BC for the nodes of bottomright/bottomleft edge for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['bottomright'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['bottomright'][i], m.nodes.sets['bottomleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along Z for the bottomright and bottomleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['bottomright'][i], m.nodes.sets['bottomleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along X for the bottomright and bottomleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft node ########## BC for the nodes of rearright/rearleft edge for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['rearright'])): lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['rearright'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1.,-1.,1.])# same displacement along Y for the rearright and rearleft nodes for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['rearright'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['rearright'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along Z for the rearright and rearleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['rearright'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along X for the rearright and rearleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes ########## BC for the nodes of frontleft/frontright edge for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['frontleft'])): lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['frontright'][i], m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1.,-1.,1])# same displacement along Y for the frontright and frontleft nodes for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['frontleft'])): lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['frontright'][i], m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes for frontleft/frontright nodes along the X axis is equal to the displacement of the associate pilot node along X lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['frontright'][i], m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes for frontleft/frontright nodes along the Z axis is equal to the displacement of the associate pilot node along X ########## BC for the nodes of rearleft/frontleft edge for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['rearleft'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes for frontleft/rearleft nodes along the Z axis is equal to the displacement of the associate pilot node along Z lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes for frontleft/rearleft nodes along the Y axis is equal to the displacement of the associate pilot node along Y lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['frontleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['rearleft'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes for frontleft/rearleft nodes along the X axis is equal to the displacement of the associate pilot node along X ########## For summit nodes ######### BC for the summit node (toprearright and toprearleft) and (topfrontright and topfrontleft) lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['refz'][0], m.nodes.sets['toprearleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between topfrontleft/toprearleft nodes along the Z axis is equal to the displacement of the differnce of displacement between pilot and topfrontleft node along Z lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['refx'][0], m.nodes.sets['toprearleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# # the difference of displacement between toprearright/toprearleft nodes along the X axis is equal to the displacement of the differnce of displacement between pilot and topfrontleft node along X ########### BC for the summit node (bottomrearright and origin) and (bottomfrontright and bottomfrontleft) lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['bottomrearright'][0], m.nodes.sets['origin'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['bottomrearright'][0], m.nodes.sets['origin'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['refy'][0], m.nodes.sets['bottomfrontleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['refy'][0], m.nodes.sets['bottomfrontleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refz'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['bottomfrontleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['origin'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) else:#for 2D models for i in xrange(n): lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['left'][i], m.nodes.sets['right'][i],m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['topleft'][0]],[1.,-1.,-1.,1.])# same displacement along Y for the right and left nodes for i in xrange(n): lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['right'][i], m.nodes.sets['left'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['topleft'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between two opposite nodes along the X axis is equal to the difference of displacement between pilot ant topleft nodes along X lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['bottomright'][0], m.nodes.sets['origin'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['topleft'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# the difference of displacement between bottomright ant origin nodes along the X axis is equal to the displacement between pilot ant topleft nodes along X if lbck == "front": #periodic conditions for front and rear sides for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['front'])): lateralbc += Equation(2, [m.nodes.sets['front'][i], m.nodes.sets['rear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0],m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1.,-1.,1.])# same displacement along Y for the right and left nodes lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['front'][i], m.nodes.sets['rear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same displacement along Z for the right and left nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['front'][i], m.nodes.sets['rear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same displacement along X for the right and left nodes for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['topfront'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['topfront'][i], m.nodes.sets['toprear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along Z for the topright and topleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['topfront'][i], m.nodes.sets['toprear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along X for the topright and topleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes for i in xrange(len(m.nodes.sets['bottomright'])): lateralbc += Equation(3, [m.nodes.sets['bottomfront'][i], m.nodes.sets['bottomrear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along Z for the bottomright and bottomleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft nodes lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['bottomfront'][i], m.nodes.sets['bottomrear'][i], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.])# same difference of displacement along X for the bottomright and bottomleft nodes and the pilot and topfrontleft node lateralbc += Equation(1, [m.nodes.sets['bottomfrontleft'][0], m.nodes.sets['origin'][0], m.nodes.sets['pilot'][0], m.nodes.sets['refx'][0]],[1.,-1., -1., 1.]) # STEPS: steps_inp = "" for step in self.steps: steps_inp += step_pattern steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#NAME", step["name"]) pattern = pattern.replace("#LATERALBC", lateralbc[:-1]) if step["control"] == "displacement": #the pilot node is piloted with a displacement condition steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#DISP", "iSample.PILOT, 2, 2, {0}\n".format(step["value"]) ) steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#LOAD", "0.") if step["control"] == "force": #the pilot node is piloted with a force condition and the test is not a cyclic test steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#LOAD", "{0}".format(step["value"])) steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#DISP", "") steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#FRAME_DURATION", "{0}".format(1. / step["frames"])) if self.is_3D: steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#2D_INIT", "") steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#2DBOUNDARY", "") steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3D_INIT", "iSample.origin, 2,2\niSample.origin, 1,1\niSample.origin, 3,3,\niSample.bottomfrontleft, 1, 1") if len(self.lateralbc.keys()) != 0: lateralbc_keys = self.lateralbc.keys() for lbck in lateralbc_keys: if self.lateralbc[lbck] == 'pseudohomo': if lbck == "top": steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "\niSample.bottom, 2, 2\niSample.bottomright, 2, 2\niSample.bottomrear, 2,2\niSample.bottomleft, 2,2\niSample.bottomfront, 2,2\niSample.refy,2,2\niSample.bottomrearright, 2,2\niSample.bottomfrontleft, 2,2") if lbck == "right": steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "\niSample.left, 1, 1\niSample.bottomleft, 1, 1\niSample.topleft, 1,1\niSample.frontleft, 1,1\niSample.rearleft, 1,1\niSample.refz, 1,1\niSample.toprearleft, 1,1") if lbck == "front": steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "\niSample.rear, 3, 3\niSample.rearleft, 3, 3\niSample.rearright, 3,3\niSample.toprear, 3,3\niSample.bottomrear, 3,3\niSample.bottomrearright, 3,3\niSample.refx, 3,3\niSample.toprearleft, 3,3") if self.lateralbc[lbck] == 'periodic': if lbck == 'top': steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "") if self.is_3D == False: steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3D_INIT", "") steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#3DBOUNDARY", "") steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#2D_INIT", "\niSample.origin, 2,2\niSample.origin, 1,1") for lbck in lateralbc_keys: if self.lateralbc[lbck] == 'pseudohomo': if lbck == "bottom": steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#2DBOUNDARY", "iSample.Bottom, 2, 2\niSample.BottomRight, 2, 2") if lbck == "left": steps_inp = steps_inp.replace("#2DBOUNDARY", "iSample.left, 1, 1\niSample.topleft, 1, 1") # MAIN FILE: pattern += steps_inp pattern = pattern.replace("#MESH", m.dump2inp()) pattern = pattern.replace("#SECTIONS", sections[:-1]) pattern = pattern.replace("#MATERIALS", matinp[:-1]) f = open(self.workdir + self.label + '.inp', 'wb') f.write(pattern) f.close() def MakePostProc(self): """ Makes the post-proc script """ pattern = """# ABQPOSTPROC.PY # Warning: executable only in abaqus abaqus viewer -noGUI,... not regular python. import sys from abapy.postproc import GetFieldOutput_byRpt as gfo from abapy.postproc import GetVectorFieldOutput_byRpt as gvfo from abapy.postproc import GetTensorFieldOutput_byRpt as gtfo from abapy.postproc import GetHistoryOutputByKey as gho from abapy.postproc import GetMesh from abapy.indentation import Get_ContactData from abapy.misc import dump from odbAccess import openOdb from abaqusConstants import JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY # Odb opening file_name = '#FILE_NAME' odb = openOdb(file_name + '.odb') data = {} # Check job status: job_status = odb.diagnosticData.jobStatus if job_status == JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY: data['completed'] = True""" if self.export_fields : pattern += """ # Field Outputs data['field'] = {} fo = data['field'] fo['U'] = [ gvfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'NODAL', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'U', delete_report = True) ] fo['S'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'S', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['LE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'LE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['EE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'EE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['PE'] = [ gtfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PE', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] fo['PEEQ'] = [ gfo(odb = odb, instance = 'ISAMPLE', step = 0, frame = -1, original_position = 'INTEGRATION_POINT', new_position = 'NODAL', position = 'node', field = 'PEEQ', sub_set_type = 'element', delete_report = True), ] """ pattern += """# History Outputs data['history'] = {} ho = data['history'] ho['U'] = gho(odb,'U2') ho['RF'] = gho(odb,'RF2') ho['CF'] = gho(odb,'CF2') ho['allse'] = gho(odb,'ALLSE').values()[0] ho['allpd'] = gho(odb,'ALLPD').values()[0] ho['allwk'] = gho(odb,'ALLWK').values()[0] ho['volume'] = gho(odb,'EVOL') # Mesh data['mesh'] = GetMesh(odb, "ISAMPLE") else: data['completed'] = False # Closing and dumping odb.close() dump(data, file_name+'.pckl')""" pattern = pattern.replace("#FILE_NAME", self.label) f = open(self.workdir + self.label + '', 'w') f.write(pattern) f.close()